Unexpected Blessings

Just FYI, every friend of ours who has planted a church has given us a few pieces of information and advice that are similar. 

  • It will be difficult
  • It will be the best time of your life
  • It will stress you out
  • You will find MANY unexpected blessings
  • God will meet your needs to the exact dollar at times.
  • God will make you wait on Him.
  • It’s God’s church not yours.

Soooo, all are right or are proving to be right. But this last couple of  weeks has been really special for me.

As a background, you should know that it was a frustrating and stressful time.  People who we hoped would be involved were bowing out.  People who we thought might financially contribute to our church backed down.  A large church that we have a long relationship with that had made many statements about supporting us in the past, decided to stop supporting as many church plants and let us know that they “might” be able to give a “one time” gift, but basically not to expect much, if anything.

This was a real bummer to us.  Me especially.  It hurt. 

As I was frustrated with this decision and situation, look what happened.

A young, unemployed friend that I had met only a couple of times in the area who wants to be on our launch team, called me to ask specifically if he could meet up so that he could give his first tithe to us.  A few friends and family, a couple of whom we haven’t seen or talked to in years came through with thousands of dollars.  A young couple decided to support Brandon’s salary fund in a large way.  A small church plant where the pastors are pulling a very meager salary let us know that they took a collection for us. A church planter across the country shot a gift into our paypal account when he got our support letter. 

Let me tell you what I am learning and starting to believe based on these recent blessings and unselfish, cheerful giving and generosity.  It’s a lesson that is one of those, “let those who have ears to hear it” messages where you don’t get it until God gives you the situation and perception that allows you to truly hear and echo of what He hears and see a sliver of what He sees.  It’s a kingdom perspective that I have never had the privilege to see until now.  It’s based on what the Bible clues us in on when Mark and Luke talk about Jesus’s flip’d Kingdom, and the economy of widows and mites. 

I truly and honestly believe that the gifts and generosity that we are seeing will be more of a blessing to Hillside Church, the people of our community, and the Kingdom, even though it may be a lower dollar amount, than the thousands of dollars that the large church could have given.  Somehow, in yet to be uncovered ways, these gifts will impact lives because of the heart and graciousness of the people who have given them.  Though the dollar amount is less, the blessing will be larger.  Though it won’t buy as many things, it will go further.

I have never seen things in this way before, but these gifts, some large and some small, are investments in the lives of others.  They are far more sacred to us, and I believe to God because of where they are from, and what they will be used for.

Because of this, our commitment at Hillside is even stronger than before.  We will use these gifts to see changed lives.  We will account and answer for every dollar spent.  We will see our jobs as Pastors here as a sacred post provided by the most kind and generous friends and family that anyone could ask for. 

I hope that for those of you who might read this.  It might inspire you to consider what your gift might mean to the Kingdom, to the community and to Hillside Church.  We still have a great need, and a wide open mission field.  If you wish to make a gift to our seedling of a Church, please feel free to do so:

You can give through paypal by entering our email address giving@thehillsidechurch.com as the recipient, or by mailing a gift directly to us at:

Hillside Church, 6529 36th St NE. Marysville WA 98270.

Call anytime if you need more information on how we handle gifts and finances.  425-835-3523


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We are Finally Here!

We are finally here in the Marysville/Lake Stevens area. We are humbled to be chosen to plant a new congregation that will reach new people in the area. We couldn't be more excited to get started.

In a short time, we will have a real website up and running, but for now, this is the official place to check for Hillside Church news!